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Using the Apple Watch to visualize your Dashboards

Jul 03, 2020

#TableauPublic #Tableau

Hello there,

The only time that I'm not wearing my Apple Watch is when I'm sleeping (because it is recharging). I don't know if you like your watch as much as I do, but it is a great tool to quickly check notifications (apart from checking the time, obviously). Today, let's add another functionality to your watch: Visualising dashboards in your wrist

I used Tableau for this example, but you can use other BI tools. Just make sure that the dashboard is responsive and/or can fit in smaller screens.

Whether than a high tech solution, this is as simple as it gets.

Here is what I did:

First, I downloaded a dataset from Kaggle. 

Then, I created a very simple dashboard:

The next step is to publish it online. For this task, I used Tableau Public:!/vizhome/Covid-19LemonDataGuyAppleWatch/Dashboard1?publish=yes

Now, let's go to your watch.

The easiest way to open this dashboard in your Apple Watch is to send it to your email. So, send an email to you with the link of the dashboard and then open it using your Email app.

Make sure to tap on the link. After that, it will open a web browser so you can navigate and even interact with your data. Here is a video that I recorded to show you how it works: 

This is a quick and easy way to see your dashboards. There are other fancier ways of doing that, like building an app with your dashboards, for example. But that takes time. Maybe this solution is good enough for you.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.


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