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Use ThoughtSpot for FREE in your Google Sheets

Mar 08, 2023

Enhance your google sheets with a ThoughtSpot extension for Free!

Let me show you how to install this add-on:

  1. Go to Google Sheets, click on Extensions -> Add-ons -> Get Add-ons

   2. Search for "ThoughtSpot" and click on the only option that will appear.

  3. Click Install and Continue

4. Close everything. Select a Google Sheet with data, click on Extensions -> ThoughtSpot -> Launch


Now you can leverage ThoughtSpot to create your charts!

Let me know your thoughts.

17 Mar, 2023
Parameters in ThoughtSpot are tremendous and can be used in many different ways. One of my favorites is switching attributes and metrics without needing the SQL to be re-generated. Let me show you how I do it: Create a worksheet and add two new parameters—one for the attributes and the other for the metrics . Geo Selector:
By site-qvIZ7w 03 Mar, 2023
Our journey begins...
By site-qvIZ7w 21 Feb, 2023
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a kingdom called "Data-topia". The citizens of Data-topia were keen on keeping track of all their activities and wanted to know everything happening in their kingdom. They were so obsessed with data that they even named their king "Data-licious"! One day, a group of brave adventurers embarked on a journey to explore the kingdom and create a project that could help the citizens make sense of all the data they had collected. They called themselves the "Data Busters," and their project was named "Data-saurus". The Data Busters traveled far and wide, collecting data from every corner of the kingdom. Unfortunately, they encountered many obstacles along the way, including a mischievous dragon who would constantly breathe fire on their spreadsheets and a group of trolls who would steal their charts and graphs. Despite these challenges, the Data Busters persevered and finally completed their project, which they called "Data-topia's Delight." The citizens of Data-topia were overjoyed with the new tool and threw a huge celebration in honor of the Data Busters. They even renamed the king "Data-mite"! And so, the Data Busters and their Data-Saurus lived happily ever after, continuing to help the citizens of Data-topia make sense of all their data and ensuring that the kingdom remained at the forefront of the data revolution. In this crazy, funny series, you will pick this new tool that the citizens of "Data-topia" used. I'll create a project from scratch, and with your help, we will identify the business requirements, data, reports, and dashboards that will be used in this project. Answer this pool to choose the destiny of this history. Choose wisely.
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